There are many ways to do makeup for Eponine and I will leave it up to your creativity.
Don’t trust me, you know what looks good on your skin. But I do have a few tips which you can totally disregard
if you like.
My number one rule is don’t make yourself look ugly, grungy and scruffy yes but ugly
no. so stay away from black teeth and huge scars please. I know that’s more a "boy thing" to do but people might get
carried away in the moment.
Try making your face look very pale and apply a deep red or brown lipstick. Don’t
overdo the lips because you have to look sweet.
For eyes you can go either of two (and a half) ways. The sweet way or the evil way (mwha
ha ha ha….)
The sweet way is to apply blue and white eye shadows. But go for dark eyeliner. With this method you should apply fake dirt (yes there is such a thing I was amazed) or charcoal etc to
side of your nose, sort of playful, like you were wiping a smudge and it didn’t come off.
Or the Evil way where people cross over to the dark side mwha ha ha….alright I’ll
stop. I look really good (not good but you know what I mean) with dark marks under my eyes. So for this look think vampire.
Use very dark eyeliner being careful to smudge as much as you can and use brown eye shadow. You could also wet the eyeliner
to look as though you’ve been crying or caught in the rain (either works).
The half comes in if you want to go half way between these looks.
Then apply charcoal to your arms and legs. Also you can tease your hair a little bit.
And there you have it a wonderful Eponine Costume, even if I do say so myself.
Well, at least
you have the basics. Just remember that there is no one way to do eponine, be creative.